They were accompanied by Junior Representative Jar Jar Binks, who was intended to act as an interface with the native Mimbanese. Hardcase and the 501st fought during the Battle of Mimban alongside the Mud Jumpers, led by Captain Rex in support of Jedi General Laan Tik. During the firefight, the troopers were contacted by General Koon, who requested reinforcements be sent to his location. Not long after, more droids arrived and engaged Hardcase and the other clone forces. After destroying the droids, the Jedi departed to confront Dooku, leaving the clones to defend the village. The arrival of Generals Skywalker, Plo Koon, and Obi-Wan Kenobi, however, turned the tide of the battle in the Republic's favor. The clone legion fought alongside members of the 104th and 212th Battalions of the Grand Army to defend a Hisseenian village from the onslaught of the Count's army, though they were soon outmatched by the opposing B2-series super battle droids. Sometime after the mission to Benglor in the same year, Hardcase and the 501st fought on the planet Hisseen against the forces of Count Dooku, the leader of the Droid Army, who sought to forcibly compel the Hisseenian parliament to join the Separatist movement. Hardcase fights alongside Rex and CC-2224 "Cody" on Hisseen. " Gladly, Captain Rex!" ―Rex and Hardcase defending Hisseen

" Keep those clankers back! Give 'em all you've got!" Skywalker reprimanded Hardcase for disobeying direct orders, expecting the trooper to comply in the future. The animal prepared to attack the trooper, but General Skywalker subdued the creature by reaching out through the Force, allowing Hardcase and the rest of the clones to fall back. Enraged at his brother's death, Hardcase disobeyed the orders of Captain Rex and charged at the creature, only to be swatted away by the beast. Hardcase began to fire upon the creature with a Z-6 rotary blaster cannon to protect his comrade, but the beast ignored the trooper's fire and swallowed Bellow.

One of these troopers, a clone nicknamed " Bellow," followed the scraps until he was ambushed by a native creature. During a rest period, Hardcase discovered a mysterious slime-like substance and, suspecting it to be a clue to the Separatists' actions on the planet, alerted his superior, Clone Captain CT-7567 "Rex." Other clones soon discovered the remains of a B1-series battle droid laid out in a line leading deeper into the forest. Under Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, the legion endured the sweltering heat of the world as they searched the forests for signs of the Droid Army. Not long after the beginning of the Clone Wars in 22 BBY, Hardcase and the other members of the 501st traveled to the planet Benglor to investigate suspected Separatist activity. " We can't fall back! This thing swallowed Bellow! I won't stop until its head is mounted on our ship!" ―Hardcase, before charging the creature